

(UK) I\O_ I IS AN OTHER is a multidisciplinary artistic work of the Brazilian Italian artist CÉSAR MENEGHETTI that began in March 2010 and aims to investigate the liability of the border of mental disability and normality.
The artist has met on several occasions a group of people with mental disabilities who have chosen to call themselves "Gli Amici” (The Friends) and who worked for years, in the experimental art laboratories of the Community of Sant'Egidio in the outskirts of Rome.
“Je est un autre. Tant pis pour le bois qui se trouve violon, et Nargue aux inconscients, qui ergotent sur ce qu’ils ignorent tout à fait!”
Rimbaud's phrase "I\O _I IS AN OTHER" written in 1871 is interpreted at different and arbitrary levels. Undoubtedly it reflects the autonomy of an artistic and relational process - open – that has already is continually moving the boundary of "normality."
Meneghetti’s work transforms the artist and the people, disabled or not, involved in the process. Brings all into play: subjects and objects change roles. In this new border, it takes place for a free reciprocity, despite the asymmetry of the condition: the artist interviews, photographs, films and, with the editors, do you turn to interview, photograph, film to affirm the right of expression (the right to look). The work takes its way ("I look, I listen") is not expected or planned, if not in structure and technology, guided only by a principle of reality/truth.
Through some of the artistic process César Meneghetti, contemporary artist, deconstructs reality. It gives birth to another location, it sets aside any prejudice safely adopted or considered in the context of existence.
As a new cartography of the contemporaneity, opening the possibility to "map" the interiority of the other: not an exercise in camouflage, not a process of analogue imitation, but a means of discovery of a sublime side of life, immaterial, striking and hardly known. People with mental disabilities are already immersed in a sort of parallel world.
People who know or intuit carriers of specific properties and looks capable of producing other spaces, visions and logical alternative defeats the promises of globalization. We plan to look where you are not going to find anything, not even the thought.
The project was awarded in December 2010 and has received the support of the Biennial Foundation of São Paulo in the second edition of BRASIL CONTEMPORARY ART PROGRAM, MINC - Ministry of Culture. He participated in the BIENNIALE SESSIONS of the 54th Venice Biennale, in October 2011 in a conference that involved not only the art world, but also universities and realities of Italian society. In 2012 the project received a GLOBO TRICOLORE award and has achieved visibility on major Italian newspapers, radio and television, and also in international events (Brazil and Germany).


(IT) IO È UN ALTRO è un lavoro artistico multidisciplinare dell’artista italo-brasiliano CÉSAR MENEGHETTI che, con un processo iniziato nel marzo 2010, vuole indagare la labilità della frontiera della disabilità mentale e della normalità.
L’artista ha incontrato a più riprese un gruppo di persone con disabilità mentale che hanno scelto di chiamarsi «Gli Amici» e che da anni lavorano, discutono, creano nei laboratori sperimentali d’arte della Comunità di Sant’Egidio a Roma.
 “Je est un autre. Tant pis pour le bois qui se trouve violon, et Nargue aux inconscients, qui ergotent sur ce qu’ils ignorent tout à fait!” Io è un altro, è una frase scritta da Arthur Rimbaud, in due lettere del 1871. “Io è un altro” professa una concezione originale della creazione artistica: il poeta non governa più ciò che si esprime in lui, l’opera si genera nella profondità. “Io la guardo, la ascolto”.
La frase di Rimbaud “IO E’ UN ALTRO” è interpretata dal progetto a livelli diversi, multiformi e arbitrari. Senza dubbio rispecchia l’autonomia di un processo artistico e relazionale che - aperto - ha già condotto nelle prime fasi a spostare continuamente il confine della “normalità”. L’opera di Meneghetti trasforma l’artista e le persone disabili (e non) coinvolte nel processo. Mette in gioco tutti: soggetti e oggetti si scambiano i ruoli. In questa nuova zona di confine si attua una liberata reciprocità, nonostante l’asimmetria della condizione: l’artista intervista, fotografa, filma e, con i curatori, si fa a sua volta intervistare, fotografare, filmare per affermare il diritto di espressione (il diritto allo sguardo). L’opera prende la sua strada (“Io la guardo, la ascolto”) non prevista né pianificata se non nella struttura e nella tecnologia utilizzata, guidata solo da un principio di realtà.
Come una nuova cartografia della contemporaneità, si apre la possibilità di “mappare” l’interiorità dell’altro: non un esercizio mimetico, non un processo d’imitazione analogica, bensì un mezzo di scoperta di un lato sublime della vita, immateriale, eclatante, difficilmente conoscibile. Le persone con disabilità mentale sono già immerse in un mondo parallelo. Persone che sappiamo o intuiamo portatrici di proprietà e sguardi specifici, capaci di produrre altri spazi, visioni e logiche alternative alle promesse sconfitte della globalizzazione. Ci si propone di cercare là dove si pensa di non di trovare nulla, nemmeno il pensiero.  Attraverso alcuni processi artistici César Meneghetti, artista ipercontemporaneo, decostruisce la realtà. Si dà luce ad altri percorsi, si accantona qualsiasi pregiudizio sicuro adottato o pensato nel contesto esistenziale.
Il progetto è stato premiato nel dicembre 2010 ed ha ricevuto il sostegno della Fondazione Biennale di San Paolo nella seconda edizione del PROGRAMA BRASIL ARTE CONTEMPORÂNEA, MINC – MINISTÉRIO DA CULTURA. Ha partecipato alla BIENNALE SESSION della 54° BIENNALE DI VENEZIA, nell’ottobre 2011 in una conferenza che ha coinvolto non solo il mondo dell’arte, ma anche Università e diverse realtà della società italiana. Nel 2012 il progetto ha ricevuto il GLOBO TRICOLORE premio per l’eccelenza italiana nel mondo ed ha raggiunto visibilità sulle maggiori testate italiane, radio e televisioni, ma anche in scala internazionale (Brasile e Germania).


(BR) EU É UM OUTRO é um trabalho multidisciplinar do artista brasileiro CÉSAR MENEGHETTI com um grupo de pessoas com deficiência mental da Comunidade Santo Egídio de Roma. A obra de Meneghetti, iniciada em 2010 com uma série de encontros, diálogos, fotografias e gravações, indaga sobre a fragilidade da fronteira entre a normalidade e a anormalidade no contexto da deficiência mental.
Através de processos criativos coletivos, em I\O È UN ALTRO, César Meneghetti propõe uma “desconstrução de padrões de realidade” e a criação de novas rotas que deixam de lado preconceitos sociais e certezas existenciais. Meneghetti desenvolveu uma relação criativa com um grupo de pessoas com deficiência mental que se auto nominam: “gli amici” ("os amigos") numa sequência de encontros e workshops, onde a fotografia e o vídeo são o tema central.
A frase de Rimbaud "EU É UM OUTRO" é interpretada aqui de diferentes modos. Sem dúvida, a frase reflete a autonomia de um processo artístico e relacional aberto e foi um importante estímulo no início do trabalho, um estímulo ao pensamento e ao diálogo sobre as referências de normalidade que carregamos cotidianamente nos nossos discursos e ações. I\O È UN ALTRO produz uma transformação no artista e em todos envolvidos no processo. Tudo está em jogo: temas e papéis. Apesar da assimetria destes papéis, se produz nesta nova fronteira uma condição livre e recíproca: o artista entrevista, filma ou fotografa, se faz entrevistar, filmar, fotografar junto aos colaboradores e curadores pelos “amici”, afirmando assim o direito de expressão (o direito de olhar). Assim, a obra cria o seu percurso ("Eu vejo, eu ouço"), um caminho inusitado, não planejado à priori, se não na estrutura e tecnologia utilizadas, guiado somente pelo princípio de “realidade” e de “verdade”.
Em dezembro 2010 este projeto recebeu o apoio da FUNDAÇÃO BIENAL DE SÃO PAULO e MinC - Ministério da Cultura, sendo premiado na segunda edição do PROGRAMA BRASIL ARTE CONTEMPORÂNEA.
O projeto foi convidado para participar em uma série de conferencias chamadas BIENNIALE SESSIONS na 54. Bienal de Veneza, em Outubro 2011, que envolveu não só representantes do mundo da arte como universidades e outras realidades da sociedade italiana. Em 2012 o projeto recebeu o premio GLOBO TRICOLORE dado a trabalhos de destaques italianos no mundo, e recebe assim visibilidade nos maiores jornais, radio e tv italianos, assim como em outros eventos no Brazil e Germany.



The first phase of the project became its first encounter between César Meneghetti, a recognized artist to the group, diverse in age and physical and social conditions, 30 people with mental and sometimes physical, recognizable in the Community of Sant'Egidio and living for years a search for expression and communication that passes through artistic creation. The meetings have occurred mainly in the Laboratory of Experimental Art Museum of Tor Bella Monaca and made ​​available to the artist's atelier in the Trastevere district.
Meneghetti has primarily used the instrument of VIDEOCABINA for preliminary investigation and comparison, interviews, recording voices, phrases, stories, stories of life in real time.

It has given life to a relational work, while the artist started at the same time an open process of "teaching" in which - through comparisons, workshops and activities in the art world - the group has offered contemporary tools of language and communication art (video, photography, web), in defiance of the asymmetry of the different conditions, intending to obtain, in a horizontal relationship, the answers / works (photos, video). Also included were those that stuck for different reasons, in gesture or verbal expression, retain their right to look and opinion on the world.



In this NEW BORDER ZONE has implemented a free reciprocity and the right to make a mark through new tools for the group.
The support of HTC Corporation has enabled people with disabilities to approach with ease and autonomy in the new language of video and photography, accompanied by specific workshops led by Cesar Meneghetti, but also by other artists, photographers (Beatriz Franco, Enrico Blasi, Simonetta Lux). The delivery of the smartphone to "Friends" took place in the framework of the workshop, empowering each to their use for the project.
The approach of VERIFICA # 2 was the introduction of disabled people in the world of official art and the Biennale in the opening days 1, 2 and 3 June 2011. Through digital media, they have proposed a reinterpretation of the 'event of the Biennale, starting from their own point of view.



On October 14, 2011 within the program Biennial Sessions of the 54th Venice Biennale was held at the ASAC - Auditorium of Historical Archives of Contemporary Art of the Biennale, in the Giardini, a presentation and a discussion on Art and Alterity in the presence of the artist César Meneghetti, the curator Simonetta Lux, the disabled people that took part in the project. The debate has involved among other Alberta Basaglia, Vice President of the Foundation Franca and Franco Basaglia, Paulo Rosa, artist and founder of Studio Azzurro - Museum of the Mind Lab, Beppe Sebaste, writer and philosopher Marta Fattori, professor of modern philosophy, dean of the faculty of Humanities, Philosophy and Human Sciences University of Rome La Sapienza, Alessandro Zuccari professor of Modern History at the University of Rome La Sapienza; Elizabetta Cristallini, professor of Contemporary History at the University of Tuscia. Among the public, have been involved over one hundred students of the University "La Sapienza" of Rome, "Cà Foscari" of Venice, "La Tuscia" of Viterbo and the University of Padua.



The fourth and final frontier of I \ O starts with the search of a language together with non-speakers of the art workshop of Sant'Egidio. This research is based lingaggio that generates the need for other powers, if one of our senses is mutilated, others become more acute. In the certainty that there is something that comes between pain and power of being and that there are other equally valid alternative ways of living and being a "person" in its entirety, and that these ways of living and perceiving the world can add important information to compose a more complete and more encompassing of human in the hyper-contemporaneity. In the VERIFICATION # 04 in “the Friends” are associated with their body through some short workshops with the director of movement by Cristina Elias, who has made ​​several appointments with their vocabulary words and did not the only instrument on the equivalence of the body.The challenge of VERIFICATION # 04 was to be able to pull this off but lexicon of things inherent in the way of disabled people. The body here becomes a possibility of salvation and having the opportunity to be alone with yourself, at the same time you put into play. The body as object and instrument of our study, only doing some special attention: the Committee, vision, hearing and heart. Cristina Elias's approach has been surprising.
The various frameworks that continue into the VERIFICATION # 04 are as icons of the human condition. This may be interesting but not enough to be considered art. For art to exist a need to suggest somewhere else or "other." A small parcel where the revolutionary art, a preferred form of which is developed in the formation of man, the person, the citizen, the company returns to the community horizontally beauty, truth and universality. The expression becomes an expression of the person.